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Food To Lose Weight


 Experts advise Dieting eat half the fruit of grapefruit with each meal or drink three glasses of juice every day, it helps you maintain your diet and your diet and loses weight in quick time. and help the body get rid of excess fat and to increase the burning of sugars and starches, as they help In controlling blood sugar levels for diabetics.
Grapefruit contains many nutritional benefits where they mature, these fruits with vitamin C, folic acid,and potassium, which contribute to the protection of the heart, and a source of food rich in vitamin necessary for the vitality and activity of the body
It gives a sense of satisfy as a result of the large number of fibers, and which reduce the feeling of hunger. and prefer eating grapefruit Kosmar and helps to get rid of excess water body, it is a diuretic, as it was nearing the nutritional value of     orange, is rich in vitamins and nutrients, such as"Iron, sugar, phosphorus, and vitamins (C, B 1, B2), calcium, and potassium ", in addition to a lack of thermal Sarath, Fetmrpmedium-sized grapefruit contains 50 calories.

                                               Skim milk
Milk is an excellent source of calcium and phosphorus needed to build bones and teeth of all ages, especially infants and young children .. The milk is a good source of animal protein for the full.
Drinking a glass of milk (about 0.25 liters) provides you with a high proportion of your body needs daily of protein, vitamins and minerals as follows: -

17% of your body's daily requirement of protein, 29% calcium, 23% of the phosphorus, 25% of the vitamin (D), 15% of the vitamin (B12). Milk contains a substance which casein milk protein rich in calcium and white, so we find that the skim milk to help slimming and weight loss.
Researchers found in a medical study published recently that drinking milk may help the body fight infections, viral infections and other serious diseases, including cancer. And also found that linoleic acid to the common, which is a type of fat found in cow's milk, improves immune system activity in the body, and that this acid reduces the amount of fat in the blood and stored in the body
And found that it is possible consumption of large quantities of it without getting too many calories new medical research has proven that dairy products help in slimming and excessive weight loss. The researchers found that drinking a little milk or fat-free, makes a person eat less food, drank a cup of skim milk before a meal reduces the amount of food consumed about 150 calories.
The scientists said that the calcium in milk plays an important role in the process of slimming, studies have shown that the weights of persons who have taken a thousand milligrams of calcium per day, which is less than three cups of milk has declined and is believed specialists that taking high doses of calcium to stop production of the hormone responsible increase the size of fat cells, and acts as linoleic acid MMA (CLA), found in milk, to burn fat and grease accumulated.

Of water of great importance and vitality of life for all living beings, one of the most important reasons for the freshness of the skin and has many benefits  as we shall see : -
 Rejuvenate the body and all of its cells and the human can not live without water only about days
Control and regulate body temperature and reduce the viscosity of blood must be the man who wants to be full health to deal from the water several times a day.
Moisturizes the body and gives sparkle to the face, hair and eyes and have the whole scientists and Physiology (Alvesiolojeon) that water is a key element in the composition of living organisms and that drinking water is important for skin, hair and nails, where the lack of water leads to the loss of the skin to Ionth and become vulnerable to drought and thus facilitate his microbes or Alaftrabiyat, and nails, they become fragile and less growth and flexibility, and also be susceptible to microbes, and the same thing again with the hair that falls as a result of the smash.
 The process of thinking need to sialate nervous, are available only the presence of water.
  Rids the body of toxins and water-an essential process for the other, is to rid the body of waste, it is necessary for the body of toxins that put him in it, a process that contributes to the water, which filters the blood kidneys need water to function properly.
 Must be given with fever, cholera and diabetes from the water as far as asking for
Working on good digestion and good direction and reduces the incidence of constipation. And drink water frequently benefit people with chronic illnesses
According to the joints and facilitates movement and the body deprived of water as the machine deprived of fat.
Activates Djemba organs of the body especially the kidneys and that drinking water is the best medicine for the expulsion of phlegm, it also helps to dissolve the sputum or phlegm, viscous, and this advice for patients with bronchitis, chronic and sensitivity of the chest is the drinking water frequently, and in cases of expansion of the airways helps to drink water to get rid of Spit.
The body needs 2 to 3 liters per day rate of 8 cups and the elderly need more young people where they Aicaron thirsty and need more during hot weather and when the puncture when the effort and increase the race, after taking diuretics such as tea, coffee and carbonated water
The lack of water body to:
Laziness and fatigue for less effort and drought
And lack of water deep impact on the surface of the outer skin, the insulating layer surrounding the body, and lead to the loss of this layer to its flexibility and its ability to isolate the body, and so we find that they are filled with gaps that can be accessed from which the harmful substances that irritate the skin and membrane beneath it.
Neglect of drinking water in sufficient quantity leads to the formation of kidney stone or kidney stone increase the size of already existing, and he drank water frequently reduces the concentration of salts in the urine and thus reduce the stones to be
Serious shortage of water body cause dizziness and constipation
Advised to drink water on an empty stomach in the morning to alert a bowel movement and the laundering of the stomach and kidneys to rid of impurities and alerts the liver to secrete wringer and alerts the gastrointestinal tract to receive foodAlso advised to drink water before eating, after an hour or two hours so does not affect the digestive juices
Also advised to drink water during the diet and to increase milk Adarar Mirror nursing are advised to drink a glass of water before going to sleep
And you should avoid drinking iced water during the heat and during eating


Spinning garlic germs that cause diphtheria, tuberculosis, and in some cases be more effective than penicillin and some antibiotics. Found in garlic, sugar, a sugar Skurubuz Quartet consists of four units. Fructose also has organic sulfur compounds such as ATM propyl disulfide and disulfide binary ATM, and where allicin is the main anti-bacteria.
And the analysis shows it contains 25% of volatile oil in which sulfur compounds also contains 49% protein, 0.2 fat, 22 Vhamaiyat and 0.47% salts and 60% water.
Garlic contains an enzyme "Aliniz" or metal "germanium" or metal "selenium". Which makes it a struggle to malignant tumors, particularly tumors of the colon and skin cancer
 Active substance, which contains the garlic to ensure separation of platelets from each other, and is well known that Tktlha result of a thrombosis. For this to be resistant to attack, because the oil, garlic prevents blood clotting, and reduces the likelihood of heart attack and stroke
 Reduce the rate of high blood pressure. Thanks to its impact on the viability of small arteries and cardiac contraction and activate it, and facilitates blood circulation and Inekaya Mstkrjath used widely in the preparation of modern medicine, anti-stress.
Aihd for infectious diseases, but also in recovery from bronchitis, colds and respiratory infections seasonal. And eliminate the worms, it leads to the elimination of Ascaris
And raise the efficiency of nationality, and protect against AIDS and epidemics

Affects members of the garlic in digestion, as a disinfectant, and struggling diarrhea,

 Reduces the percentage of sugar in the blood, and raises the amount of insulin in it.The ability of garlic to kill intestinal worms, and increase the abundance of sperm.

Excessive eating may be counter-productive, as it may cause damage in pregnant women can lead to abortion or premature birth, as well as infection in the stomach irritation Owaloamaae Owalgeld, also advised not to eat in the cases of lung congestion

 Watermelon contains 92 percent of its weight of water, a fruit of summer has little of albumin and fatty, while the percentage of sugars in which to 8 percent, according to type and season, plus it contains, on average, of vitamins "A" and "C",addressed the slice medium of watermelon provides for the body about 20% of daily requirement of vitamin (A) and that eating the same amount provides for the body daily 30 mg of vitamin (C) and 350 mg of potassium, this mineral is very important to maintain the high efficiency of the heart and blood vessels, as contains melon on lyco pene and this substance reacts with the causes of oxidation of the sisters of free and producing materials and industrial pollution, the preservative, which is of a carcinogen, and this article (Allek oumin) is one of the most powerful natural antioxidants and prevention of cancer, particularly prostate cancer. As the watermelon is an excellent source of vitamin C. Idha a watermelon contains salts and minerals are important, such as zinc, manganese, sodium, calcium ratios are a simple but useful to public health. Because it contains a high proportion of water close to 92%, it leads to a sense of satiety and fullness, making it the favorite fruits in the diets used for weight loss, but warns against taking in too much because it contains high levels of sugar, which increases the calories. Watermelon also contains a range of vitamin B complex, which maintains the integrity of the nervous system such as niacin and B6 Althiamin

• quench thirst, and moisturizes the skin, and revitalize the body
• laxative powers of the intestines and helps digestion, and the board of blood, and fragmented to kidney stones.
• existing natural compounds which help in reducing the severity of skin diseases
• According to the seeds in reducing high blood pressure
• regularly use its roots to stop the haemorrhage
• Relieve constipation and inflammation of the skin, helping to diuresis, and blood purification, and treatment of kidney disease, gout, hemorrhoids
• powder Akecra of watermelon is used in the treatment of blood pressure
• In watermelon components have the same effect as Viagra tablets used by men who suffer from erectile dysfunction and may induce them to have sex.
• contains a substance that "phyto-nutrients" that interact with the body and its health benefits are many, and that when you eat watermelon turn this article into an amino acid called "Arginine" Some enzymes, explaining that this acid does "wonders" because of its health benefits on the heart and the immune system in the body.
• The relationship between the "citrulline" and "Arginine" good for the heart and the immune system may be useful for the obese and patients with type II diabetes, indicating that the amino acid "Orginayan" increases the activity of nitric acid, which relaxes blood vessels in the body, which is the same effect, which leave pills in patients with erectile dysfunction and may prevent infection by this problem.
• severe redness watermelon contains a high proportion of the "lycopene" antioxidant that may protect the heart and piety of prostate disease and isbeneficial to the skin

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